How to Bulk Edit a Plan (Video - 58sec)
To Edit a Plan, Start by Clicking One Event in Your Plan
Click on any Future Event
From the calendar or from your dashboard.
The Event details modal will appear:
Click Edit next to the pencil icon.
You will see the Edit Event window.
Click Edit Plan
You will see the Edit Plan window.
To Bulk Edit Behaviors in your Plan
Click the Pencil icon next to the behavior you want to edit.
(in the example below "Workout").
The Edit Behavior Modal will appear
Choose which attributes you want to change.
This will save over any pre-existing events.
Click Save.
To Edit or Delete Individual Events in Your Plan
Scroll over any event.
Click Edit (or Delete to remove).
The Edit Event modal will appear.
Make your adjustments and click Save.
To Delete Events from your Entire Plan
Click the Trashcan icon next to the Behavior.
Choose if you want to delete events from that week or for the entire plan.
Click OK
Click Save Plan