The Behavior Box displays your avatar, your points, and behavior that is coming up next.
If you have not scheduled a Plan or an Event, it includes a link to schedule it.
Intention Check in
If you have scheduled a Plan or Event, it shows your next planned behavior, with a countdown timer until you can check in to your Intention.
Your Intention Check in will appear 24 hours before the behavior.
This allows you to recommit your intention of whether you still intend to do your behavior at the planned time.
You can also add Notes about what you intend to do or how you feel about the upcoming behavior.
You have three choices:
You still intend to do your behavior at the scheduled time.
No, you will not do your scheduled behavior at all.
You will do your behavior, but at a different time. You are brought to the Edit Event window on the Plan page. Click Add Event to Save the change.
Points and Reinforcement
You receive points for saying either Yes or No to your Intention Check In. We reward you simply for showing up, even to say you aren't able to do it.
Check In
The Check in appears at the start of your event.
You can check in from 0 - 100%, and add notes.
Example: 100%
You earn points and reinforcement for all responses, including showing up to say you weren't able to do what you planned!
That's real accountability (and you'll feel good).