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What are Check ins?

Understanding Check ins

Michael G avatar
Written by Michael G
Updated over 4 years ago

Check in

The Check in appears after your behavior begins.

What is it?

It's your chance to "check in" with your commitment and your Buddy. By doing so you let yourself and your Buddy know

  • Whether or not you did your habit

  • How much of it you did

  • Relevant information about the event in your notes

How does the Check in work?

  • Your check in is measured on a scale of 0-100%.

Unlike other behavior change apps, a check in is not a binary "Yes, I did it/No, I didn't do it" process. Behavior exists on a spectrum, and you are rewarded for doing even a tiny bit of what you planned. Even for checking in at 0%!

  • 0% means you did none of what you planned

  • 100% means you did all of what you planned.

What is the function of the note?

The note is the place for you to add any information related to the the event.

  • Thoughts

  • Feelings

  • Weight tracking

  • Miles ran

  • Pages written

  • Specific problems or frustrations or successes

  • Anything

It can be qualitative or quantitative.


To get more specific with your notes you can create up to 3 Prompts, and create questions to ask yourself for each check in. You can track quantitative information like

  • lbs lost

  • pages written

  • time spent

  • miles ran

Or qualitative information like

  • thoughts

  • feelings

The check in is your opportunity to log thoughts and feelings or quantitative information to your behavior in the moment.

Over time this creates a fuller picture of what's going on.

It also allows you to get your thoughts or feelings out of your head and to move on.

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